We make a difference tothe future of sustainable growth.
In support of the ASEAN Economic Community and in consistence with the needs of consumers today.
About us
Professional development of alternative energy businesses and real estate developers with quality growth. To reduce the risk and income variation.
Increase profit as well as be consistent with consumer demand. In the present day.

Currently, the company has been approved by the Stock Exchange of Thailand. To review the adjustment of the industry group and the main business category of the company to be the resource industry, energy and utilities business (Energy & Utilities), effective from July 1, 2020 onwards because the company has its main income from the power business. And there are still two real estate development projects still operating in the residential type, focusing on condominium projects. (Unfinished assets) are mainly close to community areas and educational centers.
Subsidiary Company
Company Information
Company Registration Number : 0107548000587
Established : 7 January 1992
Date Listed : 8 December 2005
Registered Capital : 818,024,729 BAHT
Paid Up Capital : 818,024,729 BAHT
405 Bondstreet Road, Bang Phut, Pakkret, Nonthaburi 11120
Organization Structure
In February 2014, the company sold "The Impress" property project in which is located in Lam Phaya Sub-district, Nakhom Phathom Province. The project was sold 144,280,000 baht (One hundred forty-four million two hundred eighty thousand baht), which cost estimate is 157,490,851.50 baht (One hundred fifty-seven million four hundred ninety thousand eight hundred and fifty-one point five zero baht). The reason why the project was sold under the cost estimate is that the company wanted to have the money to invest for other project in the company. Moreover, "The Impress" project was sold later than the expected time, and had to spend more money to invest. The company considered to sell the project with reasonably marketing price with no cause of violation to the company.
In April, 2014, the company held the annual shareholders meeting in Friday 25th February 2014 in order to request the shareholders for resolutions of approving annual consolidated financial statement ending in 31st December 2013, and the resolution of distribution of the dividend for performance etc. Shareholders considered to approve based on the minutes that were join for consideration together.
Company had a grand opening at Taksila project at Maha Sarakham Province in 9th June 2014 with good feedback. The availability to reserve in Taksila project totally had 300 condominiums. The number of reserved condominiums on grand opening day was 101. The remaining condominiums were 199 (not reserve).
In the end of 2014, the company canceled to buy a land of 2 plots which were pledged by the company in 2014 because there still a continuous investment in Taksila condominium project, which valued 230,000,000 baht (two hundred thirty million baht). The project was in progress of developing and needed to have a lot of money for investment. In the same time, the economic situation and real estate market were deflated and fluctuated. Besides, if the company were not able to alien a land of 2 plots within 25th December 2014, the company would confiscate the deposit for 56,000,000 baht (fifty-six million baht). Therefore, in order to eliminate of handling financial burden that company had to pay more to alien the land and in order to eliminate of company's loss in deposit for the land, transferring the privilege to sell in deposits to other person might be the most appropriate ways. Then, the company considered transferring the privilege to sell the mentioned land to other person.
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History 2556

After that, the company invested with Griffin Evolution Co. Ltd. in common share for 0.20 million shares with each share for 2.50 baht, and the total amount is 0.30 million baht (60.00 holding shares). The Griffin Evolution company ran the business about creating data in voice and video via communication system. In December 2012, the company recorded for other long-term allowance for impairment losses of Phuket Peninsula Co. Ltd. because there is a lawsuit about large amount of debts and a case accused from the government about trespassing public area. The executives believed that the opportunity to end all of the cases takes longer time and affects the loss to the company in which the company invested. Therefore, the resolution was to record other long-term allowance for impairment losses for 138 million baht in total balance sheet and 140 million baht for special balance sheet in 31st December 2012.
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History 2549

In the first fiscal year of 2005, the company took the money from increasing share capital for 170 million baht to buy a land of 4 Rai in order to establish the plants. Moreover, the company bought more land of 17 Rai to support the construction of expanded plants and cargo from related person. The company made a trademark agreement with "Medalist" brand from MMC in order that the company had exclusive right in manufacturing and selling coin-operated-entertaining machine and other machine that relevant to the brand around the world except the countries in America continent, Russia, China, and India (The region that the company had a privilege to manufacture and sell coin-operated-entertaining machine and other machine that relevant to the "Medalist" brand was called "Territory; however, the other region with MMC privilege such as countries in American continent, Russia, China, and India was called "Non-Territory.") The company was able to sell the products in the higher prices and had higher profit per uni because the company sold to the customers directly; in contrast, the company sold the products through MMC in the past.
Besides, the company made a supporting agreement with MMC, so MMC supported in marketing and expanded the channels of selling approach for electronic dart board and other machines that relevant to the brand in territory area such as consigning name lists, the places to contact, and other details of customers to the or contacting to the customers directly and supporting the expansion of new customers base in territory area. The company benefited from learning marketing and supported the capability to increase the income to the company.
From the 9/2005 shareholders meeting in 11th August 2005, the resolutions from the meeting were that the company became public company and changed the value per share from 10 baht to 1 baht together with increased authorized capital for 250 million baht. The company offered common shares for 50 million shares in order to sell to people for 40 million shares and in order to acknowledge company's share warrant to present selling to the committee and the company staff for 10 million shares. The meeting resolved that company's common share registered to listed security in Stock of Exchange of Thailand.
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We strive to be an alternative energy business development company.
And property developers with quality growth
Create a continuous stream of income
And build a strong financial position
This is for the benefit of the shareholders.
With a focus on corporate development towards alternative energy businesses and real estate development with quality growth Emphasize income towards the organization sustainably.
- Commitment to building an organization towards clean energy business Green & Clean Energy Business in order to generate stable income for the organization sustainably.
- Committed to being an alternative energy business development company And develop real estate with quality and growth rates.
- Conduct business with good corporate governance With regard to the interests of shareholders and society mainly.
To be a leader in various real estate developments And create an organization to operate a clean energy business, Green & Clean Energy Business to generate income Stable for the organization sustainably.
The company still adheres to the policy, business approach to clean energy, Green & Clean Energy Business and real estate. To create a stable income for the organization sustainably.